Other settings
Card Info
This function shows you the storage information of the selected
storage media, such as used memory space and available memory
space, etc.
Insert a memory card in the camcorder before viewing the storage
1 Press the Home ( ) button p touch “SettingspGeneralp
Card Info”.
Used memory space, available memory space, and the
recordable time appear. Available space and recordable time
depend on the video resolution you’ve selected.
Card Info
• Used: 40.5MB • Free: 30.8GB
Full HD : 253Min
HD : 347Min
SD : 1051Min
2 To exit the menu, touch the Return ( ) tab.
The actual capacity may be less than the capacity displayed on the
LCD screen as the camcorder’s system files occupy a part of the
If there is no storage media inserted, you cannot select the Card Info
and it will look dim on the menu.
File No.
File names (numbers) are assigned to recorded images according to
the numbering option you select.
1 Press the Home ( ) button p touch “SettingspGeneralp
File No.
2 Touch the desired submenu item.
>> File No.
3 To exit the menu, touch the Return ( ) tab.
Submenu items
Series: Assigns file numbers in sequence even after you replace or
format the storage media or delete all files. Each file is given a
unique file number that allows convenient image management on
a PC.
Reset: Resets the file number to 0001 after you run format, delete all files
or insert a new memory card.
When you set “File No.” to “Series”, each file is assigned a different
number to avoid duplicating file names. This numbering scheme is very
useful when you want to manage your files on a computer.