Getting ready to start recording


To insert a memory card
1 Slide and open the memory card cover as shown in the figure.
2 Insert the memory card into the card slot until it softly clicks.
Make sure that the terminal portion of the card is facing down
and the camcorder is placed as shown in the figure.
3 Close the memory card cover.
To eject a memory card
1 Slide and open the memory card cover as shown in the figure.
2 Gently push the memory card to eject it.
3 Close the memory card cover.
To avoid the data loss, turn off the camcorder by pressing and hold the Home ( ) button before inserting or ejecting the memory card.
Be careful not to push the memory card too hard. The memory card may suddenly pop out.
Your camcorder supports only SD and SDHC cards.
The compatibility with the camcorder may vary depending on the manufacturer and the type of memory card.