Other settings
Time Type
You can set the time display type to 12 hour or 24 hour.
1 Press the Home ( ) button p touch “SettingspGeneralp
Time Type”.
2 Touch the desired submenu item.
>> Time Type
12 Hr
24 Hr
3 To exit the menu, touch the Return ( ) tab.
Submenu items
12 Hr: Displays the time information in 12 hour units.
24 Hr: Displays the time information in 24 hour units.
This function depends on the “Date/Time Display” setting. ¬page 68
Beep Sound
You can turn the beep that sounds when you touch tabs and
buttons on the screen on or off.
1 Press the Home ( ) button p touch “SettingspGeneral”.
2 Touch the desired item next to “Beep Sound”.
> General
Shutter Sound
Auto Power Off
Beep Sound
Quick On STBY
3 To exit the menu, touch the Return ( ) tab.
Submenu items
OFF: Disables the function.
ON: You will hear a beep sound when operating buttons or tabs such as
Recording start/stop button.
The Beep Sound is cancelled in the following cases:
- During recording and playing
- When the camcorder has a cable connection. (Audio/Video cable, mini
HDMI cable, etc.)