Data Service

When the TV has difficulties using Data Service, these steps may help resolve the problem.

The Problem

Try this!




If Auto Run Data Service is set to On, messages will automatically appear on

Why am I getting on-screen

the screen when you watch a broadcast that supports the Data Service. If the

messages when I haven't

broadcast doesn't support the Data Service, no messages will appear on the

selected the Data Service



If you do not wish to receive Data Service messages, disable Auto Run Data





How do I hide Data Service

Press and hold the RETURN( ) button. If you do not wish to receive Data


Service messages, disable Auto Run Data Service.




Enabling the Auto Run Data Service option automatically displays messages

How do I use the Data Service?

on the screen whenever you watch a broadcast that supports the Data Service.

You can press the corresponding buttons shown on the screen to access



additional features and functions offered by that broadcast.




Interactive services include viewer surveys, quizzes, ticket requests, product


purchases, and other interactions between the viewer and the TV station.


Generally, you will need to set up an account with the broadcaster and log

What is an interactive service

in to the account in order to enjoy the interactive services they offer. Note

that interactive services are only available when your TV is connected to the

and how does it work?

Internet. In addition, T-Commerce requires that you have a certificate.



Copy your certificate from the computer to a USB device and connect that


device to the TV. (Interactive services are not being offered yet. The actual


service launch date varies depending on the broadcaster.)



A message displays

This indicates an error has occurred while receiving data. An execution error

"Receiving" but no change

message will also appear on the screen. If this happens, try again.





Nothing appears on the

The Data Service may be initialising or the signal may have been severed by

screen after the Data Service

the broadcaster.

is launched.