SanDisk MP3 Player manual Transferring Playlists to Your Player, Click Save Playlist

Models: MP3 Player

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6.To rearrange the songs, drag them up or down in the List pane.

7.Click Save Playlist. Transferring Playlists to Your Player

1.Connect your Sansa player to the computer.

2.Select Sync digital media files to this devices using Windows Media Player on initial connection.

3.Right-click on Your Sansa Player, then select Set Up Sync.

4.Click to select the Sync this device automatically check box.

5.To have the device automatically start Windows Media Player™ and synchronize when you connect it to your computer, then select the following options when you connect to your computer


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SanDisk MP3 Player manual Transferring Playlists to Your Player, Click Save Playlist