SanDisk MP3 Player manual Basic Usage, Charging the Device/Connecting to the Computer

Models: MP3 Player

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CHAPTER 3: Basic Usage

This chapter provides you the basic usage instructions for your Sansa® Fuze™+ MP3 player.

Chapter 3: Basic Usage

Quick Tips:

1.Ensure your player is fully charged before operating for the first time.

2.Updating the player’s firmware is highly recommended. The Sansa Updater will inform you if the firmware is in need of updating via auto-detention of the player, but you can also check manually. Visit to download the Sansa Updater.

This chapter provides more information on charging the device, updating the firmware, and much, much more!

3.1. Charging the Device/Connecting to the Computer

The Sansa Fuze+ MP3 player connects to a computer via an included micro-USB cable, which is used both for charging the device and also for transferring data back and forth, such as for loading music, videos, or photo files.

Your player comes with an internal rechargeable battery. The battery is not replaceable. Before using the player for the very first time, fully charge the battery. To charge the battery, you need to connect the device to a computer using the included USB cable.

3.1.1. Connecting to a Computer

1.Connect the smaller end of the micro-USB cable to the Sansa Fuze+ MP3 player.

2.Connect the larger end of the micro-USB cable into an available USB port on the computer (usually found on the side or back of the computer).

3.The computer must be turned on for the USB port to be able to charge the battery. When connected, the player will show the word “connected” and will display a USB icon. In addition, the battery icon charging indicator will appear and the battery level indicator will blink while charging. Note that you will not be able to play music, watch videos, or view photos while the player is connected to the computer.

4.On a computer running Windows®, your player will appear under My Computer as a Portable Media Player

5.To stop recharging, simply disconnect the USB cable.


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SanDisk MP3 Player manual Basic Usage, Charging the Device/Connecting to the Computer, Connecting to a Computer