SanDisk MP3 Player manual Background Settings, Backlight, Brightness, Customize, Equalizer, Info

Models: MP3 Player

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8.2.1 Background Settings

The Background settings allow you to change the background color and image.

1.Select Color.

2.Use Select button to scroll to the color you like.

3.Select Image to scroll to the photo you would like as your background.

8.2.2 Backlight

After idling for predefined seconds, the player will trigger the timer automatically and cease the backlight. You can press any button to wake the backlight up. The shorter your backlight time, the more battery power you will consume, reducing your time between required battery charges.

1.Select Backlight.

2.Use touchpad to highlight backlight timer (from 5 sec. to 90 sec.).

3.Press the Select button.

8.2.3 Brightness

1.Select Brightness.

2.Use touchpad to adjust the Brightness level (Right= Brighter, Left= Less Bright).

3.Press the Select button to accept the changes.

8.2.4 Customize

1.Select Customize.

2.Remove home features menus if you wish by changing them to off.

3.Tap the return button.

8.2.5 Equalizer

Depending on which type of music you listen to frequently, you can choose a genre that enhances the sound of certain music types. Scroll through the options and decide to leave the equalizer on Normal or find a custom genre.

8.2.6 Info

This displays information regarding your Sansa Fuze+ MP3 player (such as firmware version, available/free memory, number of contents loaded in the player, and the battery status).

8.2.7 Power Saver

You can set the timer under Power Saver to automatically turn off the player when the music is paused or when there is no activity.

1.Select Power Saver.

2.Use touchpad to highlight desired timer (from none to 120 minutes).

3.Press the Select button.


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SanDisk MP3 Player manual Background Settings, Backlight, Brightness, Customize, Equalizer, Info, Power Saver