SDIO Simplified Specification Version 2.00
7.Embedded I/O Code Storage Area (CSA)
In order to support the concept of
7.1CSA Access
In order for the host to access a function’s CSA, it first shall determine if that function supports a CSA. The host reads the FBR register at address 0x00n00 where n is the function number (0x1 to 0x7). If bit 6=1, then the function supports a CSA and the host enables access by writing bit 7=1. The next step is for the host to load the 24 bit address to start reading or writing. This is accomplished by writing the 24 bits
7.2CSA Data Format
The data stored in the CSA shall be structured using the FAT12/FAT16 format. This format is defined in the ISO specification: ISO/IEC9293:1994 Information technology - Volume and file structure of disk cartridges for information interchange. This specification is also the basis for the SD memory cards. The information on the SD memory implementation can be found in the SDA publication: Part 2 FILE SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Version 2.00 May 9, 2006. The actual layout of files within the CSA is undefined by this specification.
The use of the CSA for program or data storage for different host types requires that the SDIO card manufacturer load the programs and data in a file format that may be recognized by the host. An example of this would be the use of a specific file name saved within a specific subdirectory that is recognized and executed by a particular host operating system. Such formats are specific and sometimes proprietary to different host implementations and operating systems.
The rest of this chapter is not included in the Simplified Specification.