©Copyright 2000-2007 SD Card Association

SDIO Simplified Specification Version 2.00

5.3IO_RW_EXTENDED Command (CMD53)

In order to read and write multiple I/O registers with a single command, a new command, IO_RW_EXTENDED is defined. This command is included in command class 9 (I/O Commands). This command allows the reading or writing of a large number of I/O registers with a single command. Since this is a data transfer command, it provides the highest possible transfer rate.








Function Number

Block Mode



Register Address

















Figure 5-4 IO_RW_EXTENDED Command

The IO_RW_EXTENDED Command contains the following fields:

S(tart bit):

Start bit. Always 0


Direction. Always1 indicates transfer host to card.

Command Index:

Identifies the “IO_RW_EXTENDED” command with a value of 110101b

R/W Flag:

This bit determines the direction of the I/O operation. If this bit is 0, this command


reads data from the SDIO card at the address specified by the Function Number and


the Register Address to the host. The read data shall be returned on the DAT[x]


lines. If this bit is set to 1, the command shall write the bytes from the DAT[x] lines to


the I/O location addressed by the Function Number and the Register Address.

Function Number:

The number of the function within the I/O card you wish to read or write. Note that


function 0x00 selects the common I/O area (CIA).

Block Mode

(Optional) this bit, if set to 1, indicates that the read or write operation shall be


performed on a block basis, rather than the normal byte basis. If this bit is set, the


Byte/Block count value shall contain the number of blocks to be read/written. The


block size for functions 1-7 is set by writing the block size to the I/O block size


register in the FBR (See Table 6-3 and Table 6-4). The block size for function 0 is set


by writing to the FN0 Block Size register in the CCCR. Card and host support of the


block I/O mode is optional. The host can determine if a card supports block I/O by


reading the Card supports MBIO bit (SMB) in the CCCR (see Table 6-2). The block


size used when Block Mode = 1 and the maximum byte count per command used


when Block Mode = 0 can be read from the CIS in the tuple



TPLFE_MAX_BLK_SIZE (see 16.7.4) on a per-function basis.

OP code

Defines the read/write operation as described in Table 5-2









OP code

Command operation



0Multi byte R/W to fixed address

1Multi byte R/W to incrementing address

Table 5-2 IO_RW_ EXTENDED command Op Code Definition

OP Code 0 is used to read or write multiple bytes of data to/from a single I/O register address. This command is useful when I/O data is transferred using a FIFO inside of the I/O card. In this case, multiple bytes of data are transferred to/from a single register address. For this operation, the address of the register is set into the Register Address field. Data is transferred on the DAT[0] or DAT[3:0] lines as defined for SD memory cards.

OP Code 1 is used to read or write multiple bytes of data to/from an I/O register


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Image 33
SDI Technologies SDIO Card manual Iorwextended Command CMD53, Iorw Extended command Op Code Definition, Crc