Using Cloud Storage | Using the Cloud Storage Web Portal |
•Open a browser and go to http://cloudstorage.seagate.com, then log in with your Cloud Storage account username and password.
Figure 21: Cloud Storage Web Portal
The following options are available on the Cloud Storage Web Portal:
•Home: Lists the folders and files you’ve backed up to Cloud Storage. Click a folder to view its contents. Click the name of file to view, open, or download it. You can also select one or more files and delete them.
•Search: Locates files stored in your Cloud Storage account. Enter text in the search box to find files that have that text in the file name.
•Account: Lets you modify the contact information and password for your Cloud Storage account.
•Upgrade: Provides details about how to increase the amount of storage in your account and extend your subscription to the service.
Seagate Dashboard User Guide | 27 |