92 Chapter 7 Measuring Features and Defects GEInspection Technologies XLG3 VideoProbe System
Stereo MeasurementsStereo measurements require the use of StereoProbe measurement tips, which capture
stereoscopic images of a target — two pictures of the same target from two different
angles. To measure the target, the XLG3 processor uses triangulation based on these two
side-by-side images.
You can take stereo measurements on a frozen image or on a recalled image that was
saved in measurement mode.
Related Information
Topic Sections
Stereo measurement’s advantages
and disadvantages
“Types of Measurement” on page90
Matching cursors, which make
triangulation possible
“About the Matching Cursors” on page93
How to perform stereo measurements “To Position the Probe Tip for a Stereo Measurement Image” on page94
“To Take a Stereo Measurement” on page96
“Types of Stereo Measurement” on page98