56 Chapter 5 Capturing Images and Videos GEInspection Technologies XLG3 VideoProbe System
Enhancing ContrastWhen there is not enough light or contrast to see important features or defects —
for example, when you need to position cursors accurately for measurements —
“Inverse +” may help. This feature reverses the brightness like a photographic negative.
It enhances the image contrast, making subtle details more visible.
You can enable “Inverse+” for any live, frozen, or recalled image.
To Turn “Inverse+” On
1. Press .
2. Select Image > Inverse + > On.
To Turn “Inverse+” Off
Press .
ZoomingYou can zoom in and out for all types of images: live, frozen, and
Zooming is digital, so pixelation increases as you zoom in.
The system cycles through the zoom levels in increments up to 3.0x.
When an image is zoomed, its zoom level (for example ZM 2.6)
appears on the screen.
Tolearn about the two zoom modes, which determine what happens when you move the
joystick in a zoomed live view, see “Reviewing Settings for the System” on page42.
To Zoom
Press .
For larger increments, press repeatedly. For smaller increments, hold .
To Unz oom
Press .
“Inverse+” off “Inverse+” on
Everest XLG3