14 Chapter 1 Introduction GEInspection Technologies XLG3 VideoProbe System
CaseAvailable in two sizes, the rugged XLG3 case protects the components and accessories
during storage, shipping, and operation. The system may be shipped in the storage case
without additional overboxing.
Item Description
A. Lids Allow access to components and accessories. Also provide ventilation to prevent
overheating when operating with base unit in the case.
B. Rear latch (not
Together with the front latch, this latch releases the lids.
C. Lifting handles
(topand both sides)
Three handles let you lift case whichever way is most convenient.
D. Front latch Releases lids and front door.
E. Wheels Let you transport case easily.
F. Front door When operating with base unit in the case, the front door provide s access to base unit’s
front panel. Front door must be left open to provide ventilation and prevent overheating.
G. Handle Allows for easy transportation of system. Also supports handset holder.
H. Release button Releases handle to allow you to extend it. Also releases handset holder from handle.
I. Socket for handset
Supports handset holder.