User Manual Chapter 4 Setting Up the Software 41
Reviewing Settings for Measurement
For XLG3 systems equipped with measurement capability, these settings determine
system behavior when you are taking measurements. For details, see “Measuring
Features and Defects” on page 89.
To Review Settings for Measurement
1. Press .
2. Select Setup Menu > Measure.
3. Change any desired settings.
Item Description
Stereo The Cal Info option displays calibration data for the selected stereo tip. All other options
are for factory-authorized personnel only.
Shadow The Cal Info option displays calibration data for the selected shadow tip. All other
options are for factory-authorized personnel only.
Units Inches, mm. Determines which units are displayed.
Set Min Index Accuracy index’s minimum value. If the index drops below this value, it flashes.
Index Display On, off. Determines whether the accuracy index is displayed.
User Prompts On, off. Determines whether user prompts are displayed in measurement mode.
Onlytrained professionals should turn these prompts off.