34 Chapter 3 Setting Up and PuttingAway the System GEInspection Technologies XLG3 VideoProbe System
Connecting to a PC or NetworkPC and network connectivity — wired or wireless — are part of the optional network
package. (See “About the Network Package” on page5. )
If the XLG3 system is connected to a PC or network, you can send images and videos to
other computers for review, further manipulation, or remeasuring. You can also send
images from other computers to the XLG3 system.
To Connect the XLG3 System to a PC or Network Via an Ethernet Cable
1. At the base unit, plug an Ethernet cable into the Ethernet connector .
2. Plug Ethernet cable into a network port.
The XLG3 Ethernet connector’s LEDs light up to indicate that the connection is
3. If using a USB connector at the PC, install the USB 10/100 Ethernet Adapter software
that came with the system.
4. If you want to work with XLG3 files on the PC (manipulate, remeasure, etc.), install the
XLG3 version of iVIEW PC software on the PC. This application lets you manage and
measure images that were captured by the XLG3 system. It also lets you create
reports from those images.
No software is needed to simply share files with a PC or network via a direct Ethernet
PC Based Re-Measurement iView - This application lets you manage and measure
images that were captured by the XLG3 system. It also lets you create reports from
those images. Todownload iVIEW PC, go to www.ge.com/inspectiontechnologies, and
click Download Center.
No software is needed to simply share files with a PC or network via a direct Ethernet