Index120-degree distortion correction, 54
4x3 display setting, 42
accuracy index, 41, 91
AC.See power
adaptive noise reduction (ANR), 4, 52
agency certifications, 129
alcohol, probe’s compatibility with, 131
annotations, 58–60
See also audio comments, 58
ANR (adaptive noise reduction), 4, 52
archiving files to a DVD, 79
area measurements, 99, 105
arrows. Seeannotations
audio comments
about, 45, 46, 81
adding to images, 59, 62
icon, 75
audio files, 38, 39, 81
audio output
connector, 10, 11
settings, 37
backup drive for video recording, 65
base unit, 10–13
See also power
about, 4
maintenance, 118–120
bending neck
holding in place (Steer-and-Stay), 47
illustration, 9
straightening (Home), 32, 47
troubleshooting, 124
bitmaps (BMP files). Seeimages (still)
brightness, adjusting, 51, 52
browser, 5, 80, 81
buttons, control, 8, 15, 80
measurement tips, 41, 91
measurement verification block, 108
camera (external), connector for, 10
camera head
about, 2, 9
aiming, 47
cleaning, 112
case, system storage, 14
“caution,” definition of, 16
See also safety
certifications, 129
chemical compatibility, 131
circle gauge measurements, 105
cleaning and inspecting, 111–113
color, text, 40
comments.See audio comments
communications, 5
comparison measurements. Seemeasuring features and
components of system, 7–14
configuration.See set up
contact information, iii
control buttons. See buttons, control
copying files, 77, 79
customer service, iii
date and time settings, 42, 125
DC.See battery or power
file names, 62, 67
white balance settings, 115
deleting files, 78
deleting folders, 77
depth measurements, 98, 104
depth of field, 141, 142
desktop, 5, 80–81
display size, 42
distance (length) measurements, 98, 104
distortion correction, 4, 54