68 Chapter 5 Capturing Images and Videos GEInspection Technologies XLG3 VideoProbe System
Working With a Recalled Video
To Work With a Recalled Video
1. If recalling a video from a DVD, verify that the DVD drive is selected.
Press . Select Video Record >Recording Options >Select Drives >DVD.
2. Recall the desired video.
a. Press .
b. Select File Manager > Recall >drive or device.
c. Select a video. It begins to play.
3. (Optional) Determine your next action.
Rename the video file.
Press . Playback pauses, and the Recalled Video menu appears.
Select Rename. Enter a new file name. The new name overwrites the old.
(Select Play to resume playback.) Note: Video files on a DVD cannot be renamed.
Capture a still image from the video.
Press . Playback pauses, and the Recalled Video menu appears.
Select Save Still Image. Enter a file name. The paused image is saved as a
JPEG or bitmap, depending on the settings. (Select Play to resume playback.)
Control playback by using the control buttons:
Playback Option Control Button
Pause. or trigger
Resume playback when paused. or trigger
Fast-forward. Pause then joystick right
Rewind. Pause then joystick left
Close video.