120 Chapter 8 Maintenance GEInspection Technologies XLG3 VideoProbe System
To Charge the Battery
1. Connect to power in one of these ways:
•Battery installed
If the battery is installed in the base unit, plug the base unit into AC power.
The battery charges whether the system is on or off.
•Battery removed
If the battery is removed from the base unit, connect the charger’s DC power cord
to the battery’s DC power cord. Then plug one end of the AC power cord into the
charger and the other end into the AC outlet.
2. Wait for the battery to charge.
The battery’s green LED flashes for a few seconds. Then it lights up solid and stays lit
until the charge is complete. When the charge is complete, the green LED shuts off.
A fully discharged one-hour battery takes about four hours to charge.
A fully discharged two-hour battery takes about eight hours to charge.
If the red LED lights up during this process, contact GE Inspection Technologies.
AC power cord
DC power cords