Dual Tail Wheel Assembly
Lift-Type (Figure Asm-0034)
Attach the tail wheel beam (1) to the lug toward the outer edge of the deck just to the rear of the cross reinforcement using bolt (2) & nut (3).
Attach the brackets (5 & 6) to the deck using bolts (7), washers (8), and nuts (9).
NOTE: Formed leg with adjustment holes point to rear on part (5) and to front on part (6).
Install bolts (10) & nuts (11) on top and bottom of tail wheel beam. Insert through pair of holes which will give approximate desired cutting height. Tighten all bolts.
The standard
10)Jack, 11) Operator’s Manual and Flat Blades. Other optional bundles that may be shipped with your unit: Ratchet Lift Screw or Hydraulic Cylinder with Hydraulic Hose and Hose Bracket,
The Components of these machines are quite heavy. Block all components up securely before working under or putting extremities under such parts.
Insert tongue lugs between mainframe uprights and retain using special pin. Insert retaining clip to retaining pin (Figure
CY84 03/08 | Assembly Section |
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