Example Operation Display
(–24+2) 4=–5.5 24 + 2 4 = *1 –5.5
34+57=91 34 + 57 =91.
45+57=102 45 =102.
68×25=1700 68 25 =1700.
68×40=2720 40 =2720.
200×10%=20 200 10 %20.
9 36=25(%) 9 36 %25.
200 + 10 %220.
500 20 %400.
46=(43)2=4096 4 = = =4096.
1/8=0.125 8 =0.125
25×5 =125 CM25 5M+–M– 125.
–)84 3= 28 84 3 M–M– 28.
+)68 +17= 85 68 +17 M+–M– 85.
182 RM –M– 182.
25–9=4 25 9 = 4.
123456789098×145 123456789098 145
=17901234419210 C•CE 17.9012344192
*1 (minus) can only be used when entering a negative
number as the first number. Use +/– for following
negative numbers during calculation.
5 × (–10)=–50

5 10 +/–

No. Currency/Unit Conversion
AB Rate
1$ £ 0
2$ 0
3DM 0
4 inch cm 2.54
5 oz g 28.35
6°F°C (°F-32) × 5/9
Currency/Unit Conversion Mode
Each time you press CALC/CONV, the display switches
between Calculator and Conversion modes.
Currency conversion, such as from $ to £ and from $ to ,
can be performed. Unit conversions, such as from
centimeters to inches, are also possible. The following
currencies and units in the Organizer are factory installed.
