Part1 Part2 Part3 FOR THE MANAGER
CCD -Compulsory Cash/cheque Declaration-
You can make mandatory the declaration of the cash/cheque amount in the drawer before outputting clerk Z report.
If your register is programmed for compulsory cash/cheque declaration (CCD), a clerk must first count and declare the cash and cheque amounts (of domestic and foreign currency) in the drawer before the clerk can output a clerk report. The procedure for outputting a CCD report is shown below.
Type of compulsory cash/cheque declaration
•Compulsory declaration prior to individual clerk resetting
•Compulsory declaration prior to full clerk resetting
When cash/cheque declaration is compulsory, flash report are not available.
•Individual clerk report (Currently assigned clerk's declaration and report)
OP X/Z mode
•Full clerk report X1/Z1 mode
The drawer opens and the clerk is prompted to enter the cash and cheque amounts. (“CCD ” is displayed.)
Input the cheque or currency denomination
Q’ty | @ X Xor V v A | |
Amount | Xor V | Cancel |
| previous |
| entry |
Input the total amount of cash or cheques
To display cash/cheque subtotal(Available only after the first entry is made)
X: When inputting the cash and/or cheque amount in the drawer
V: When inputting the amount of a foreign currency obtained in the sales by preset rate calculation in the drawer
CCD entry amount
Currency exchange 1 in drawer to be obtained
Exchange 1 (preset rate) total declared Difference
Cash in drawer to be obtained
Cheque in drawer
Cash/cheque in drawer
Cash+cheque total declared
Total of difference