Galaxy H7920 Mobile Router User Manual | Chapter 3: Router Configuration |
RUN LED, blinking in 1 second interval; it indicates Galaxy router works at default route (main route).
RUN LED, blinking in 2 second interval; it indicates Galaxy router works at backup route.
3.2.7 Hongdian Products
3.2.8 Logoff
You may be required to enter correct user name and password when you
3.2.9 Firmware Update
Galaxy router is capable to update by a special update tool. You can download the update tools and associate firmware at Hongdian website.
Visit Hongdian website at
Or http://www.hongdian.com/en/download/update.htm
There are two ways to update the router firmware:
Hongdian Update tool
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Galaxy H7920 Mobile Router User Manual | Chapter 3: Router Configuration |
TFTP update
H7920 is
Download the tftp server at:
Start the tftp server at your PC, and copy the updated firmware at the same folder of your tftp server.
telnet and login H7920 router
tftp ipaddr
(The ipaddr is the tftp server IP address.)
get filename
(The filrname is the firmware filename; it should be copied at the same folder of your tftp server.)
It will transfer the firmware to H7920 router’s RAM, and follow the prompt to save it into flash.
Save to flash? Press Y to save it.
Restart the router to affect the update.
Attention!!! during the saving, please do not drop the H7920 power supply.
Hongdian Update Tool
The update tool instructions refer to Appendix 2.
3.3 CLI Operation
GALAXY H7920 supports CLI operation, by using the telnet command to operate it. For example:
(follow the prompt to type user name and password, it is the system administrator’s user name and password.)
Type ? or help to display the command help, type any word that does not match commands, it will display help contents also.
Contact Hongdian Technical support department for detail operation manual.
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