optiClient office User Interface Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
5-26 optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual

Connection Parties Window

5.7 Connection Parties Window
Layout of the Connection Parties window
Element Meaning
Display line In idle mode:
Display of personal telephone number, date, and time.
To activate functions:
Display/query of function-specific information.
Use as dial window.
Keys for speaker, micro-
phone, and headset as
well as to scroll and con-
firm functions.
In normal mode:
For speaker and microphone volume control and to activate/
deactivate the configured headset.
In operating mode:
To scroll and confirm functions.
Active bar Displays the corresponding connection status of the connected
HiPath system as "active" or "inactive".
ACD status Current ACD status of the telephone number displayed with both
text and color.
Functions key(s) The type, amount, and function are dependent on the status of the
current call.
Display of the current
call status of the tele-
phone number
Active bar
ACD status
Display of connection
Available function
Function icon
Function icons
Buttons for loudspeaker,
microphone, and headset.
Also used for browsing
and to confirm functions
Display bar Open dial area