A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual 8-23
Nur für den internen Gebrauch Using the optiClient office
Using Other Functions
8.7.4 Answer Text
If you have configured an answer text, the text you configured is automatically transmitted to an
internal caller.
Configuring Answer Text
Disabling an Answer Text
Step Action/Effect
1 To select and activate an answer text, click the check box Answer text in the Func-
tions tab of the Functions/Telephone Directory/Call detail records window.
2 The dialog to select / edit the answer text appears:
3 Select the desired answer text or edit the text by adding your own details and click
OK to confirm your selection.
4 A check mark is set in the function option.
Step Action/Effect
1 To disable the set answer text, click the check box Answer text on the Functions
tab of the Functions/Telephone Directory/Call detail records window.
2 The check mark disappears, and the answer text is no longer shown to callers.