optiClient office User Interface Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
5-18 optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual
Option Settings for the optiClient office
If no restricted base directory is specified for the search here, the entire LDAP directory is
used as the the base directory.
>In order to correctly map the LDAP entries in the optiClient, the field names of the LDAP
directory to be displayed in the column information of the optiClient must be entered under
LDAP field names. The Name and First name fields are mandatory and must be filled
with corresponding field names in the LDAP directory.
>Click on OK to save your entries. This returns you to the Options dialog.
>The examples below apply to an LDAP directory with the following elements:
Level designation 1: c (e.g., for "country")
Name of an entry at this level: DE
Level designation 2: o (e.g., for "organization“)
Name of an entry at this level: SIEMENS
Level designation 3: ou (e.g., for "organization unit“)
Name of an entry at this level: ICN
To define these details as the base directory name in optiClient, the following en-
tries must be made in the Base DN field:
or alternatively:
>The level designations, the names of entries within the levels of an LDAP direc-
tory, and the field names in the directory can be obtained from the administrator
of the LDAP server / directory.