A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual 4-3
Nur für den internen Gebrauch optiClient phone User Interface

Layout of the optiClient phone User Interface

Elements of the user interface that are not covered here, e.g., digits or function keys, corre-
spond to those from the optiPoint and can be looked up in its operating instructions.
Minimizing / Restoring optiClient phone as an icon in the Taskbar
If you temporarily do not need the user interface of the optiClient phone, you can reduce the
program to an icon in the system tray of the taskbar (next to the time/date display):
You can minimize the optiClient phone by choosing the Minimize command from the sys-
tem menu.
To restore the optiClient phone user interface double-click the optiClient icon in the system tray
or its button on the taskbar.
Phone book key Opens the phone book manager, see Electronic Telephone Direc-
Call list key Opens the call list manager, see Call List Management.
Menu key Opens the optiClient phone menu.
Function key 1 Preset with "Service Menu"
Function key 2 Preset with "Redial"
Function key 3 Preset with "Microphone" or changes to "internal" in the case of
automatic line seizure.
Function key 4 Preset with "Speaker"
>The first time you log in with a new telephone number, the text of the function keys
is preset and stored as it was set when the system was logged into. When logging
in with the same telephone number and with other languages, text is not reloaded.
Changes, for example, in text in a different language are then only manually possi-
Element Meaning
optiClient phone in the system tray of the taskbar