optiClient phone User Interface Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
4-8 optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual
General Operation

4.2.7 Key Modules

As with the optiphone, 1 to 4 key modules, each with 16 freely-programmable keys, can be add-
ed to the basic module of the optiClient phone.
To open the key module click on
the Activate button:
To close the key module click on
the Activate button again:
>The maximum number of key modules possible per user can be set up in the user
configuration. HiPath 3750 and HiPath 3550 allow100 key modules per system; Hi-
Path 3350 / HiPath 3250 / HiPath 3150 allow 30 key modules per system. The key
modules of the optiClient phone are counted as key module extensions for the opti-