A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual 5-5
Nur für den internen Gebrauch optiClient office User Interface
General Operation
5.2.2 Minimizing optiClient office
If you temporarily do not need the user interface of the optiClient office, you can reduce the pro-
gram to an icon in the system tray of the taskbar (next to the time/date display):
To minimize the optiClient user interface, proceed as follows:
Choose the command Minimize from the context menu or the system menu of the Office
or select the menu item Minimize in the Office toolbar system menu.
or click on the reduce button in the title bar of the window Connection Parties.
To restore the optiClient office user interface, double-click the
optiClient office icon in the system tray or its icon on the taskbar.
5.2.3 Changing your Code Key (PIN)
You can change the code key for your phone number as follows:
Step Procedure
1 Open the optiClient office context menu:
2 Select the command Change code key...
3 A small display appears. To change your code, enter your old 5-digit code and click
the Confirm key. When prompted, enter the new security code, click the Confirm key,
and enter the code a second time for confirmation.
The security code is changed, and the display window is closed.
optiClient office in the status area of the taskbar