Electronic Telephone Directory Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
9-8 optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual
General Functions
1. Open the context menu of the entry to be deleted an d choose Delete.
2. A confirmation prompt appears, which you can then acknowledge by clicking Yes. The en-
try is deleted, and you return to the Telephone directory.
9.1.4 Finding a Contact in the Telephone Directory
Finding an Entry by Name
To start a simple search by name, enter the name you are looking for in the

Last Name

With each entered character, the display of the contacts in the telephone directory jumps to the
first entry that corresponds to the one to be found.
You can search for parts of a last and first name using an LDAP directory. You could enter "smi
h" to search for all entries that have a last name beginning with Smi and a first name beginning
with H respectively (no distinction between uppercase and lowercase is made here).
Finding an Entry using Search Criteria
Such searches can only be performed in the personal telephone directory.
1. Open the context menu of an entry in the telephone direc tory and select Search.
2. A dialog box with empty search fields appears. These fields match the fields of the entry in
the telephone directory. You can now enter your search criteria in the individual fields. The
wildcard characters "*" and "?" may also be used here. Click OK to confirm your search
3. The results of the search are displayed in the form of a telephone directory with the suffix

(Search results)

shown in the title.
You can then switch back to the display of the complete telephone directory by selecting
Display all from the context menu of the search results.