Electronic Telephone Directory Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
9-6 optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual
General Functions
Number Verification
>When you enter a phone number in an empty field (Telephone 1, Telephone 2 (Fax) and
Telephone 3 (Mobile)) for the first time or double-click in a field containing data, a
verification window to check the phone details appears:
The phone number you entered is split into its individual components - to the extent that
this can be logically derived - and displayed in the Country/Region, City/Area Code and
Local Number fields. Correct these details if required and confirm your changes by click-
ing OK. This returns you to the dialog to edit the telephone directory entry.
3. You can also add your own notes on the contact by clicking the Notes button:
>Note that the dialing will not work properly unless you enter the phone number in
canonical format, i.e., in the form +xx (yyyy) zzzz, where:
is the international dialing prefix without the leading zeros,
is the local area code in parentheses and is separated from the international di-
aling prefix by a space, The leading zero for the local area code (if relevant) can
be entered.
is the local number and is separated from the local area co de by a space.
Example for Germany: +49 (02302) 667-9876
You may enter the number in the fields directly in this format or separate the compo-
nents by spaces, which automatically causes the canonical notation to be used.