optiClient office User Interface Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
5-12 optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual

Manual Update Check for optiClient office

5.4 Manual Update Check for optiClient office

In addition to the automatic update function, which checks for new update versions of the opti-
Client about every 15 minutes, the optiClient 130 can also be updated manually.
Step Procedure
1 Open the optiClient office context menu:
2 Select Update...
The optiClient 130 checks if a new version of the program is available on the
update server for installation.
No new program version available...
3If no new program version is available on the update server, a corresponding
message appears. If no update server has been configured, an error message
appears. The update server is set up in the user configuration.
New program version available...
3If a new program version is available on the update server, the following dialog
4 Choose one of the available options:
On immediate installation, the optiClient is first closed, and the update version
is then installed. The optiClient office must then be restarted manually.
If you delay the update until the next logon, the periodic update will be deferred
to the next time you log on and will no longer performed during the current ses-
If you choose the final option, the update version will not be installed. The peri-
odic update check, if configured, is deactivated.
5 If you select Cancel, the update version will not be installed. The current settings for
periodic update checks remain unchanged.
After setting up the desired options, confirm your selection with OK.
>Local administration rights are required for manual/automatic optiClient update.