Installation Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-G2540-A100-3-76A9, 04/2003
2-12 optiClient 130 V4.0, User Manual
optiClient Installation Procedure
2.4 optiClient Installation ProcedureYou can install the latest version of the optiClient 130 using the convenient InstallShield instal-
lation program.
Step Procedure
1 Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. The installation program starts au-
If the inserted CD does not start automatically because of the settings in the control
panel, start the installation program under <
CD-ROM Drive
2 A browser window appears. Select the optiClient 130 V4 installieren/Install opti-
Client 130 V4 option.
A Welcome dialog appears. Click Next > to confirm.
3 If you accept the conditions of the displayed license agreement, click the corre-
sponding option and continue with Next.
4 You are then required to enter the user information (Name/Organization) and the
License key. You find the license key on the back of your CD package.
Activate the required option under This application is installed for.
Then click Continue.
5 Select the language(s) in which the application should be installed in the dialog that
appears. The following languages are available:
●English (will always be installed)
Click Next > to confirm your selection.
6 Select the type of setup for the installation:
●For the complete installation, the optiClient is insta lled in the default installation
folder C:\Program Files\Siemens\optiClient 130 V4.
●For a custom installation, you can select a different installation folder. Ensure
that an "optiClient 130 V4" subfolder is always created in the selected folder.
Additional optiClient installation folders to which all the necessary files are co-
pied, are created in this folder.
7 A dialog is displayed indicating that you are ready to install. Confirm by clicking In-
stall. The progress of the installation is displayed in a progress bar.
8 After the installation is finished, a correspond ing message appears, which you can
confirm by clicking Finish. You return to the Browser window (see step 2) which you
can close by clicking Exit.