Step by Step
Change key fields
Change key fields
You have the possibility, permitted inscription of desti-
nation select-/direct call keys adapting after your needs.
Changing the key fields is also offered to you, if you oc-
cupy a key with the destination select or direct call func-
tion page 28.
Inscription of a destination select-/direct call key al-
ready occupied adapt
Press the key. The lamp lights up.
> :Select and confirm.
> :Select and confirm.
poss. If the key furnished to
optiPoint self labelling key module, press the shift key
several times to select the level (level 1... 4).
Press the required destination dial/direct station key.
> :Select and confirm.
> :Select and confirm.

d ... m, q, rEnter text via the keypad.

Digit keys must be pressed a specific number of times
to enter letters (maximally 12 indications possible).
Destinations? >
Direct dest. select? >
Direct Station Select? >
Shift X
Edit Label? >
Create Personal Label? >