▼To Log In To ALOM CMT
1.If you are logged in to the system console, type #.
Press the Hash key, followed by the Period key. Then press the Return key.
2.At the ALOM CMT login prompt, enter the login name and press Return. The default login name is admin.
Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.3
Please login: admin
3.At the password prompt, enter the password and press Return to get to the sc> prompt.
Please Enter password:
Note – There is no default password when connecting to ALOM CMT for the first time using the serial management port. When connecting to the system controller using the network management port for the first time, the default ALOM CMT password is the last 8 digits of the Chassis Serial Number. The Chassis Serial Number can be found printed on the back of the server or in the printed system information sheet which shipped with your server. You must assign a password during initial system configuration. For more information, refer to the installation guide for your server and the ALOM CMT guide for your server.
Caution – To provide optimum system security, change the default system login name and password during initial setup.
Using the system controller, you can monitor the system, turn the Locator LED on and off, or perform maintenance tasks on the system controller card itself. For more information, refer to the ALOM CMT guide for your server.
▼To View Environmental Information
1.Log in to the system controller.
Chapter 2 Managing RAS Features and System Firmware 27