■Solaris IP Network Multipathing software provides multipathing and
■VERITAS Volume Manager (VVM) software includes a feature called Dynamic Multipathing (DMP), which provides disk multipathing as well as disk load balancing to optimize I/O throughput.
■Sun StorEdge™ Traffic Manager is an architecture fully integrated within the Solaris OS (beginning with the Solaris 8 release) that enables I/O devices to be accessed through multiple host controller interfaces from a single instance of the I/O device.
For More Information on Multipathing Software
For instructions on how to configure and administer Solaris IP Network Multipathing, consult the IP Network Multipathing Administration Guide provided with your specific Solaris release.
For information about VVM and its DMP feature, refer to the documentation provided with the VERITAS Volume Manager software.
For information about Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager, refer to your Solaris OS documentation.
Storing FRU Information
The setfru command enables you to store information on FRU PROMs. For example, you might store information identifying the server in which the FRUs have been installed.
▼To Store Information in Available FRU PROMs
●At the sc> prompt type:
38 SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server Administration Guide • April 2007