optiPoint types
optiPoint 410 entry HFA, 410 economy HFA
(Device type: 410entryHFA, 410economyHFA)
Settings are made in the following tabs:
Speech parameters Æpage 49
Telephony Configuration Æpage 50
Quality of Service Æpage 47
•SNMP Æpage 48
File Transfer Æpage 38
•IP Routing Æpage 42
•Passwords Æpage 45
optiPoint 410 standard HFA, 410 advance HFA
(Device type: 410standardHFA, 410advanceHFA)
Settings are made in the following tabs:
•HTTP Settings Æpage 40
•WAPÆpage 52
Miscellaneous Æpage 45
Speech parameters Æpage 49
Telephony Configuration Æpage 50
•Passwords Æpage 45
Quality of Service Æpage 47
•SNMP Æpage 48
Dialling Codes Æpage 37
File Transfer Æpage 39
•IP Routing Æpage 42
•LDAP Æpage 44