CHAPTER 6 Internet Settings
WAN Setting
provided. Otherwise, connect only the PC with the registered MAC address to the Wireless Broadband Router, then click the “Clone your PC’s MAC Address” (Default: Disable)
PPPOE Enables the Wireless Broadband Router IP address to be assigned automatically from an Internet service provider (ISP) through an ADSL modem using
Figure 25: PPPoE Configuration
◆PPPoE User Name — Sets the PPPoE user name for the WAN port. (Default: pppoe_user; Range: 1~32 characters)
◆PPPoE Password — Sets a PPPoE password for the WAN port. (Default: pppoe_password; Range: 1~32 characters)
◆Verify Password — Prompts you to
◆Operation Mode — Selects the operation mode as Keep Alive, On Demand or Manual. (Default: Keep Alive)
■Keep Alive Mode: The Wireless Broadband Router will periodically check your Internet connection and automatically
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