LLiisstt MMiixx MMeennuu
The List Mix menu is the main file menu for the automation system, and shows a list of stored Mix Passes.
New Mix Passes are auto-numbered starting at ‘1’. If a Mix Pass is deleted (see below) then its number will not
be re-used. The only exception to this is if all Mix Passes are deleted. The numbering will then restart from ‘1’.
Mix Passes can be renamed — see Renaming Mix Passes.
CChhaannggiinngg tthhee sseelleecctteedd MMiixx PPaassss
The lefthand encoder can be used to scroll through the list of Mix Passes. A yellow cursor band indicates which
Mix Pass is currently selected for modification. The encoder’s push-push switch can be used to either start a
New Mix, or select a previous Mix Pass.
DDeelleettiinngg MMiixx PPaasssseess
Mix Passes can be deleted from memory by selecting the Mix Pass you wish to delete, holding down the
Delete soft key and pressing the Confirm soft key.
Trim Moff TLock Snap AT
Proj TR Lnks Misc
Select Delete
Project 16 :: Title 1
Auto SSL
Mix Pass 1
Mix Pass 2 1
Mix Pass 3 2
Mix Enabled
Duality Operator’s Manual