The majority of DAW functions are controlled via dedicated Duality front panel switches, with less reliance than
the HUI protocol on the 8x8 soft key matrix located beneath the TFT screen. All plug-in editing is via the channel
D-pots. The four encoders, together with the six switches below the centre section monitor screen, are not used
with the Mackie Control protocol.
On the channel fader strips, the auto button and associated status LEDs are also not implemented by the
protocol. All other controls, the D-pot and associated push switch, DAW channel Solo and Cut, plus the Select
and Ready functions, are all fully supported. Only mono metering information is returned from the workstation.
On stereo channels, the maximum value of the left or right channel is displayed. The master fader is also
included in the DAW layer when a Mackie Control template is active.
The AUTO, PRE, IN, OUT etc. group of centre section buttons provide different related motion control functions
according to the active template. When required, tallies for these buttons will be displayed on the TFT display in
the area next to the DAW timeline counter.
The jog wheel, together with the SCRUB button, plus the cursor buttons and cursor mode switch, are active in
all templates. The outer jog wheel ring is not supported, neither is the numeric keypad. However the 1-8 keys
replicate F1 - F8 function keys in certain templates.
Mackie Function Control OverviewAs far as possible, all the function templates use button groupings and layouts that follow the original Mackie
Control surface groupings, in order to simplify moving from one DAW platform to another:
Channel D-pot functions and display options (1)
The rotary encoder switch flips D-pot parameters onto the channel faders. The encoder itself is not used in any
of the Mackie Control templates. The CHANNEL button has the same functions as in HUI Mode, and assigns
either the console or DAW channel level control to the D-pot, according to the state of the Console Focus button.
Push to Flip
DAW Control GuidE
3-28 Duality Operator’s Manual