To return all faders to Absolute, use the JOIN or REVISE buttons until the ‘global’ rollback memory is reached,
at which point all faders will return to write either at their current position (REVISE), or at the levels they had at
the global rollback point (JOIN).
If the system is in play or stopped following a rollback operation, pressing the Discard soft key, or the
dedicated DISCARD button, clears any data recorded since the start of the rollback pass, forces all channels in
write back to the read/write state they were in prior to the rollback operation at the point in time the Discard
function was operated, and restores the active rollback points from the previous pass.
UUppddaattiinngg aa MMiixx PPaassss
To update a Mix Pass, first select the desired mix
on the List Mix page by scrolling with the lefthand
rotary encoder and pressing the encoder switch.
***Mix Pass #*** will be displayed (see left), and
the selected mix will now become the reference
The FSM soft key will toggle all faders between
Absolute and Replay or Trim and Replay (see
below for more on Trim status).

PPrrootteeccttiioonn MMooddeess

When you update a previously stored mix, three different data protection modes become available: Auto, Safe
and Manual.
Auto If moves need to be rewritten from scratch, faders can be dropped into write at the
start of a mix by pressing the fader status button. Alternatively, they can be
dropped into write once the mix is running, either by using the fader touch sensor
(motor faders on), or by pressing the fader status button.
Safe Existing fader and cut automation data can be protected with the Safe option.
When channels are in Safe, automation data is replayed but no data can be
written to these channels.
Manual Existing automation data is protected and the fader and cut switch act directly on
the channel audio. No automation is written or played back.
To select the different protection modes, press the ASM soft key, and then press the fader status button on the
desired channel to toggle between the modes, as displayed in the scribble strips above the faders. To select a
mode globally, press the ASM key and then press the FSM key until the required mode is selected.
Mix Enabled
***NEW MIX***
you may adjust status now.
Press Execute to continue
Execute FSM Cancel
Project 16 :: Title 1
TLockTrim Snap AT
Lnks Misc
Mix Enabled
Execute FSM Cancel
Project 16 :: Title 1
TLockTrim Snap AT
Lnks Misc
you may adjust status now
Press Execute to continue
Duality Operator’s Manual


Updating a Mix Pass