Having selected a channel, or range of channels, all the functions in the area above can be
selected/deselected. Routing buttons 1-24 and MIX A, MIX B, MIX C, are self explanatory, as should most of
the buttons above. Note that changes made to the ‘PROCESSING ORDER’are graphically indicated on the
channel TFT displays.
Items that may not be immediately obvious are as follows:
+48V – phantom power may only be selected here, as can INPUT FLIP and the channel input source –
SOLO ISOLATE– Solo isolated channels will not be cut when other channels are soloed. Useful for FX
In the ‘PAN MODE’ section, INC ROUTE works in conjunction with the channel SELECT and TO functions, and
provides incremental bus routing for a range of channels. The selected channels will be incrementally routed
(or derouted if currently assigned) to consecutive busses starting from the first bus selected. 5.1 PAN enables
5.1 panning mode. PAN TO TRK routes the output of the selected channel’s pan to the Track busses. Stereo
panning is between odd/even pairs; 5.1 panning divides the track busses into four 6-channel groups. EFX TO
TRK replaces the channel feed to the Track busses with the active EFX send output. Stereo Cue EFX sends
are automatically routed to odd/ even pairs.
When SET AUX is selected, changes made to Cue Stereo and FX source and destination routing and On/Off
state, on any of the selected channels, will be copied to all selected channels, allowing the quick set up of aux
sends. Again, if some functions are on and some are off on the selected channels, the lowest numbered
channel in the selection sets the initial state.
SET and CLEAR provide an alternative way to set up routing. Press either SET or CLEAR, then select the
function(s) you wish to turn on or off. Pressing the select button on any channel will set or clear the selected
Pressing ALL when SET or CLEAR are selected will make the SET or CLEAR button flash. Asecond press on
SET or CLEAR will make the assignment/de-assignment across all channels.
UNDO undoes all changes since the routing panel was last made active. As a safety measure, it requires two
presses to carry out the undo operation. On the first press, the UNDO button will flash, and a second press will
cancel all routing and channel settings that have changed since the routing panel was first selected. To cancel
and undo, deselect the routing panel by pressing the +and -buttons while the UNDO button is flashing.
Central Routing Panel
Duality Operator’s Manual