CCuutt AAuuttoommaattiioonn
Pressing a CUT button will toggle its state and automatically start writing data. The Cut can be returned to
Replay either by rolling back or by selecting the Play button on the fader, and then pressing the CUT button
The state of a channel Cut is stored separately from the fader data. Cut data is stored regardless of the current
fader status unless the channel Safe mode is selected. Whenever a channel or group CUT function is in write,
the red rec LED on the fader will light.
Pressing the fader-based Match button, followed by the CUT button, drops that Cut into write without changing
the current state of the Cut. Match and Play are mutually exclusive. If one is active, selecting the alternate
function cancels the first one.
UUssiinngg MMaattcchh aanndd PPllaayy ttoo ccoorrrreecctt aa CCuutt
If you have made a cut in the wrong place, simply move the DAW to a position before the error, go into Play,
select Match and press the CUT button to automatically drop into write without changing the stored state of the
Cut at that point (see diagram below). When the Cut has been overwritten, select Play and press the CUT
button again to return to the previous automation state.
Duality Operator’s Manual
Cut Automation