Meter Options
Meter options are provided by soft key selections on the monitor panel; select the METERS button to produce
the following selections for the VU meters :
MON – Feeds the current Left and Right monitor outputs to the meters.
DMIX – Feeds the stereo downmix output level to the meters.
MIX A – Feeds the Main Mix A bus to the meters.
Note that any AFL or SOLO selection will automatically cause the VU meters to meter the console’s solo bus.
The METERS menu also holds additional modes for the TFT channel and centre section bargraphs:
PK – Switches the meters to peak reading mode; peak readings are held for 3 seconds.
HLD – Select this to hold the peak readings indefinitely.
CLR – Press to clear the currently held peak readings.
Setup MenuThe centre section TFT screen provides access to a setup menu that holds a number of useful console-related
items. Select SSL followed by Misc and then Setup (see Section 3 if you are not familiar with the use of the
TFT and its associated soft keys).
To change a setting, use the left hand D-Pot to select the item, then press the D-Pot to enter adjustment mode.
Turn the D-Pot to the desired setting and press it a second time to save the setting to non-volatile memory.
Input Cut Enable – If set ON, the channel strip CUT button will cut prefade sends, ie. Aux and CHOP sends.
Stereo Mix Insert Mode – This enables the stereo mix matrix ‘SUM’ option to be selected, where the insert
return sums with the main signal path. Select REPLACE to disable this function.
Analogue Meter Scaling – Select from four options for 0dbfs =: 18, 20, 22, 24dbu.
TFT Backlight Brightness – Use this to adjust the backlight level to your preferred value between 4 and 32.
Scribble Strip Brightness – As above but for the channel scribble strip (range 4-32).
Meter Options
Duality Operator’s Manual