To start a mix, press the Execute key (how many of you remember this from SSL’s renowned E and G Series
Computers?). Check that timecode is turning over on the screen — if Duality is not reading MTC, it will not
record any mix data.
The screen flips to show a bargraph display of fader levels for the eight centre section group master faders and
the three A, B, C mix Bus Master faders. Channel fader levels are shown on the channel bay TFT displays.
The system saves a global ‘static’ reference mix of
the fader levels and cut status when the Execute
key is pressed. This is useful because it allows
you to locate before the start of the mix and
recover your original levels (ie. reference mix).
Also, if you are writing automation in a section that
had no previous mix data, when you drop out of
write the faders will return to their original levels.
MMiixx RRuunnnniinngg
Press Play on the DAW to move forward, and as soon as the automation system has locked to the MIDI
timecode (MTC), the mix status display will indicate ‘Mix Running’. Simply adjust the faders and press cut
switches to write your mix as required, and the fader moves and cut data will be recorded. The DAW may be
toggled freely between Stop and Play, and if Fast Forward is used, or the DAW is located forward, the
automation data will be extended to the new position when the DAW returns to Play.
To abort the current mix at any time, press the Discard soft key or the dedicated DISCARD button in the
‘AUTOMATION’ group above the ‘TRANSPORT’ buttons. To save the current mix to flash memory and return to
the Mix List, press the END button. For more on the other buttons in this group, see Dedicated Automation
MMiixx RReevviieeww
At any time you can rewind the system, and as soon as the DAW is located to an earlier time and valid MTC or
a MMC locate position command is received, the mix system enters ‘Mix Review’. All faders will switch to
Replay status (all LEDs are off). This operation is known as a ‘rollback’.
Project 1 :: Title 2
AutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAuto AutoAuto
Mix Review 23
Trim Snap AT
Lnks Misc
End Discard
Revise Join
00 : 02 : 12 : 23
Project 1 :: Title 2
End Discard
AutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAutoAuto AutoAuto
Trim Snap AT
Lnks Misc
Revise Join
00 : 02 : 12 : 23


Duality Operator’s Manual