JJooiinn aanndd RReevviissee
At any time during Mix Review, the JOIN button can be used to switch all channels that were in write at the last
rollback point, back into write at the levels or state they were at the rollback point (got that?). This is useful, for
example, when balancing levels in a chorus. Once you have achieved the right balance, simply rollback before
the start of the chorus, go into Play, hit JOIN at the start of the chorus and the levels will punch in at the
balance set before rollback, with all channels back in write.
The REVISE button has a similar action except that all channels in write at the rollback point are returned to
write at their current mix position. This is useful when you are mixing a particular section, but have made a
small mistake. Just rollback before the mistake, hit REVISE and channels will immediately go into write at the
current fader level, allowing you to overwrite the mistake.
Here is an exaggerated graphic representation of both functions:
Multiple rollback memories are supported so that successive operations of JOIN or REVISE can return different
sets of faders back to write, if multiple rollbacks have taken place:
Mix Review Mix Running
Pass 4
Pass 3 (Channels 7-8 in Absolute)
Pass 2 (Channels 1-6 in Absolute)
Pass 1 (All channels in Absolute)
JOIN Rollback
Point 2
Point 1
Rollback Point
Start Rollback pointPress Join Key
Will jump to rollback point level
Original Automation
New Automation
Start Rollback pointPress Join Key
Will jump to rollback point level
and start writing new data
Start Rollback point
Will start writing new data
from current level
Press Join Key
Start Press the Join Key Rollback Point Start Press the Revise Key Rollback Point
JOIN FUNCTION Will jump to rollback level when
Join is pressed and write new
REVISE FUNCTION Will stay at current mix level when
Revise is pressed and write new
Original Automation
New Automation
Duality Operator’s Manual