MMoottoorrss OOffff
This mode suspends the motorised playback of mix data via the moving faders. In ‘Motors Off’ — select the
MOTORS OFF button in the ‘AUTOMATION’ group — the faders emulate a VCA automation system. MOTORS
OFF automatically activates the Fader Links SuspdAll function (see later).
SSnnaapp MMooddeeSnap mode uses the fader touch sensor to control both the start and end of a fader update — for fast hands-
on changes to mix levels. When the fader is released, it ramps back to the previous mix level at a user-
determined rate (see Glide Frames), then returns to Replay.
Snap mode can be overridden on any channel by pressing the fader button while still touching the fader knob.
On releasing the fader, the channel while stay in Absolute or Trim until a subsequent fader button press returns
the channel to Replay. This write/replay transition will include the ramped Snap glide if enabled in the setup
menu (see Glide Frames for more detail).
AAuuttooTTaakkeeoovveerrTo avoid a level jump when dropping out of write, AutoTakeover introduces nulling indicators in the scribble
strip to display the direction to move the fader to match the underlying mix level. When the fader crosses the
current mix level, it is automatically returned to Replay and disconnected from the audio gain element. The
fader returns to following the mix data as soon as it is physically released.
New Automation
End Point – when
fader is released
Scribble strip indicates
direction to move fader
back to its original
Manual glide turns
automation off once the
original level is matched
Start Point
when fade is
first touched
New Automation
Start Point
when fader
first touched
End Point – when fader is
released it ramps back to
the previous mix level
Glide time can be set in
the Setup menu
Duality Operator’s Manual