Playing CDs

zThe programme remains in memory until you erase it (see below) or press §

The programme is not affected by the ending of the programme or by the selection of another play mode.


“- -m - -s” appears in the display if the total playing time exceeds 100 minutes.

“Step Full” appears in the display when you try to add a track to a programme which already contains 25 tracks.

The play mode cannot be changed while playing a disc even if you press the PLAY MODE button.

Changing the track order

You can change the order of the tracks in your programme before you start playing.


Do the following

Erase the last track in the

Press CLEAR. Each time you


press the button, the last track


will be erased.



Add tracks to the end of the

Press the numeric buttons to


enter the track numbers you


want to add.



Erase the entire programme

Press down CLEAR until the


total number of tracks and the


total playing time appear. To


create a new programme,


repeat the programming




