DVD Edit

Before Editing

This recorder offers various edit options for various disc and title types. Before you edit, check these types and select an available option.


You may lose edited contents if you remove the disc while editing.

Finish editing and recording before finalizing. No more editing or recording can be made on a finalized disc.

If a message appears and indicates that the disc’s control information is full, erase unnecessary titles.

Edits for Video mode titles/original titles

+RW -RWVR-RWVideo +R


For Video mode titles on DVD+RWs/DVD-RWs (Video mode)/DVD+Rs/ DVD-Rs, and original titles on DVD-RWs (VR mode), the recorder edits actual recordings on the disc. You cannot undo any edits you make, and the original contents will be consequently lost.


When using a DVD-RW (VR mode), you can keep the original contents by editing a Playlist (see “Edits for Playlist titles” below).

To free up disc space (DVD+RW/DVD-RW (VR mode)/DVD-RW (Video mode) only)

You can utilize disc capacity by erasing Video mode or original titles. The effect differs depending on the disc type and location of the title, as follows.

Disc typeTo open up disc space








Erase the last title on the disc. You




can erase and overwrite titles other




than the last one; however, the




display will not show the resulting




capacity increase. Erased titles are




shown as deleted in the Title List












Erase original titles anywhere on



(VR mode)

the disc.








Erase the last title on the disc.





(Video mode)











You cannot increase the disc




capacity, as they are non-











For DVD+RWs and DVD-RWs (VR mode), the disc’s available capacity may not display correctly. The recorder displays only the available capacity after the last title on the disc.

Edits for Playlist titles


For DVD-RWs (VR mode), you can edit a Playlist while retaining original titles (actual recordings on the disc). A Playlist is a group of Playlist titles created from the original title for editing purposes. When you create a Playlist, only the control information necessary for playback, such as the playback order, is stored on the disc. Since the original titles are left unaltered, Playlist titles can be re-edited.

Example: You have recorded the final few matches of a football tournament on a DVD-RW (VR mode). You want to create a digest with the goal scenes and other highlights, but you also want to keep the original recording.

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