

Used to access the provider in combination with a user ID.

POP3 (p. 34)

An abbreviation for Post Office Protocol, Version 3. It is a server used to receive email.

PPP (p. 33)

An abbreviation for Point to Point Protocol, Version 3. It is a protocol for accessing a provider with a dial-up connection.

Proxy (p. 35)

A server or programme to allow a computer located inside a firewall pass through the firewall.

Reply (p. 64)

To reply to a previously received email message. When replying, “Re:” (Reply) is added to the beginning of the title to indicate that the email is a reply.


Computer security means the overall preservation of safety of a computer system. It includes the protection of data against vandalism and accidents, and the prevention of illegal use of data.

Signature (p. 54)

Used to add your name, address, etc., to the end of a message.

SMTP (p. 35)

An abbreviation for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a server used to send email.


An abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a protocol for exchanging information safely between web browsers and web servers. SSL is frequently used for credit card transactions over the Internet. SSL also has ownership verification and to data encryption functions.

Subject (p. 47)

The title of an email message. When replying, “Re:” (Reply) is added to the beginning of the title to indicate that the email is a reply. When forwarding an email message, “Fw:” (Forward) is added to the beginning of the title to indicate that the email is a forwarded email message.


Load data such as still images and moving pictures from your camcorder to the server through the telephone line.

URL (p. 68)

An abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator. It is an address on the Internet. By specifying this address, you can access the web page.
