Processing Effects (EDIT)
.Editing in PLAY Mode (direct edit)
With direct edit you can edit up to6 different parameters directly from th.. PLA Y scre<>n. TI,<'S€ parameters are called Active
The following steps show you how to edit from the play screen once you've designated the Active Parameters. To d<'Signate Active Parameters, see "SeIL"ting the Active Parameters" l>clow.
1Choose an effect from the memory banks.
The parameters available fOr'direct editing (Active Parameters) appear directly above their corresponding FUNCTION button.
Active parameters
2Press the FUNCTION button
o |
| PLAY: ceo |
| ||
| . | = | |||
| ~ | Fat Reverb |
| ||
| 1. 0 | O. 64 | O. 8 O. 70 | ~. 0 ~. 0 |
| |
| ( Size] | rn.:mlI | (Size] (RotHI] |
To adjust parameters not displayed in the PLAY screen,
see "Changing Effect Parameters" on page 17.
3Use the operation dial or shuttle ring to adjust the parameter.
When changing numerical values, you can use the number buttons to input the value directly, or hold SHIFf and press'" or T to change the value one unit at C1 tin1C
Selecting the Active Parameters
The h)lIowing ~tt.'p~ ~hll\\" you how to St'lfft the p.uameters that will
•'PPl'(u ill thl' PL!\ Y ~(n.."l·n (or din.'X'tediting.
1Choose an effect from the memory banks.
PLAY: CEO - Hall I CEO - Hall
~Fat Reverb
1. 0 | O. 64 | O. 8 | O. 70 | ~. 0 | ~. 0 |
( Size] (RotHI] (Size] (RotHI]
2Press PAGE/EDIT twice.
3Press FUNCTION B to 'choose"Active P."
RTC Active P
-II-- CU
..0 ...._ -
4Press a FUNCTION button (A-F) to choose a location (1-6).
Active Parameter Select:
"U 1 "U 2 "U3 "U 4 "US "U 6
edit Active Parameter 1 | PA~ |
ABC | 0 |
Hall Size |
(Block] (PAAAM] |
5· Press FUNCTION A [Block] and use the operation dial to select the effect block containing the parameter you want to appear on the PLAY screen.
6Press.FUNCTION B [PARAM] and use the operation dial to select the parameter that will appear on the PLAY screen.
Press EXIT a few times to return to the PLAY screen.
Setting the Real Time Control (RTC)
lly using MIDI controls, such as dampers and modulation wheels, you can control various characteristics of an effect in real tinle. Since control conditions vary for each type of effect, control assignments are m.1de sep.uately for each effect block parameter in the RTC block. The effector is providc>J with 6 MIDI RTC channels, each carrying
independent control suurCe and destination (paranletcr) infornlation.
1Choose an effect from the memory banks.
PLAY: CEO - Hall/CEO - Hall
~Fat Reverb
1.0 O. 64 0.8 O. 70 ~. 0 ~. 0
(Size] (RotHI] [Size) [RotHI)
2Press PAGE/EDIT twice.
3Press FUNCTION A to choose "RTC."
4Use the FUNCTION buttons
Real Time Controller Select:
- {I - - {I -
5Use page 1 to specify the parameter you want to control.
[B1ockl: selects the block to be controlled, select OFF if you d.on·t want to use tha't RTC channel.
IPARAM I: specifies the parameter to be controlled from the selected block.
IMinl: specifies the minimal value of the parameter's adjustable range.
iMaxl: specifies the maximal value of the parameter's adjustable range.
6Press PAGE/EDIT and use page 2 to specify kind of controller you will use.
| EDIT: RTC 1 (Source) | PAGE:1 |
co 0 0
(Sourc] [ Min] (Max]
ISourcJ: selects the control source.
Note N : To use a note number
Note V : To use note velocity (Note Off is obtained by setting note velocity to 0.)
BENDR: To use a pitch bender
CH-PR: To use channel pressure
M.CLK : To use the MIDI clock (tempo display) as a control source. Settings can be made within the range of 30 to 250.
PEDL 1 : To use pedal 1 (Be sure to select "Pedal" on the System: Pedal screen, page 25).
PEDL 2 : To use pedal 2 (Be sure to select "Pedal" on the System: Vedal screen, page 25).
[MinI: specify the minimal value of the control source's adjustable range.
[MaxI: specify the maximal value of the control source's adjustable range.
Press EXIT a few times to return to the PtAY screen.
Suppose you w.1nt to set RTC I to use the MIDI control change numl>cr S (balance control) to change the Hall Re\'erb die"t bal,1nce from 75:25 to 25:75 :
EDIT: RTC 1 (Parameter) screen (step 5) :
Set [Block] to "HALL" and set [PARAM] to "E. BAL" (effect balance). Then set [Min] to "75:25" and [Max] to "25:75."
EDIT: RTC 1 (Source) screen (step 6):
Sct [Source! to "01" (controlS), IMinl to "0" and IM.IX) to "127."
| Sour(e |
| Parameter | |
Control Change '8 | Effect Balance | |||
| 2]. |
| ||
Adjustable | ·.·~~;;~~~125.75 | Adjustable | ||
range | 1o ' | ....... | range | |
| |||
| ·DRY... |
Now you can adjust the effect balance from 75:25 to 25:75 when you adjust control change number 8 (balance control) from 0 to 127.
20 fN | 2pN |